Me and the ecology bit question answer in english class 10th


Me and the ecology bit question answer in english class 10th

Me and the ecology bit question answer in english class 10th

A. Look at the picture given below and discuss the questions that follow:


Save tree, save water, save earth

Q. 1. What are the slogans? Read out aloud.

Ans. The slogans are mentioned below :



Q. 2. Why are these slogans displayed ?

Ans. Slogans are generally sources of awakening. So these slogans inspire people to think about the earth, tree and water. When people hear or read these slogans, they start thinking seriously (गंभीरतापूर्वक) about them. These slogans cause curiosity among the public and force them to think about how to save them and use them properly.


Q. 3. Do you like these slogans? Why?

Ans. Yes, I like these slogans. To save earth, tree and water is a matter of great concern for us. These slogans make us aware of the alarming situation. We start thinking in this direction. We start saving the earth, tree and water.


Q. 4. Have you ever displayed such slogans or participa- ted in any seminar on ecology preservation?

Ans. Yes, I have displayed such slogans on card-boards on many occasions. I participated in the Seminar on Ecology Preservation in our school last year.


B. 1. 1. Write T or F. T for True and F for False:

1. People easily get convinced by Jim.

2. He uses paper route to convince the people.

3. He gives suggestions on ecology free of cost.

4. Mr. Williamswas at his house.

5. People listened to Jim gladly; for he was an eco-friendly boy.

Ans. 1. (F), 2. (F), 3. (T), 4. (T), 5. (F).


B. 2. Answer the following questions very briefly :

Q. 1. What happens when the narrator calls Ms. Greene, 'Mrs. Greene'?

Ans. The narrator calls Ms Greene because if he calls 'Mr Greene' she says that she does not have change to pay him.


Q. 2. What does the narrator do on Saturdays and Sundays?

Ans. On Saturdays and Sundays, the narrator goes to the houses of the people whom he delivers newspapers to collect money for a week.


Q. 3. Which animal messes up Ms. Greene's yard ?

Ans. Jim's dog messes up Mrs. Greene's yard.


Q. 4. Why does the narrator ask Ms. Greene to save paper and aluminium cans ?

Ans. The narrator asks Ms Greene to save paper and aluminium cans because they can be recycled.


Q. 5. Did the narrator succeed in getting Mrs. Greene do something about ecology ?

Ans. No, the narrator couldn't succeed in getting Mrs Greene do something about ecology.


B. 3. 1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied :

1. It is very ......... work, this ecology bit.

2. Women use too many ....... things.

3. Nobody's willing to do anything about.......

4. The narrator drives his ........ round and round his background all summer and......... all winter.

Ans. 1. boring, 2. electric, 3. ecology, 4. motorbike; snowmobile.


B. 3.2. Answer the following questions very briefly:

Q. 1. How many blocks away was the post office from Mr. Johnson's house ?

Ans. The post office was only two blocks away from Mr. Johnson's house.


Q. 2. What form of electricity did the narrator use ?

Ans. The narrator used TV set.


Q. 3. Why did Mr. Johnson think that the narrator did not follow the principle of walking ?

Ans. Mr. Johnson thought that the narrator did not follow the principle of walking because the narrator himself used his motorbike round and round his backyard all summer and snowmobile all winter.


Q. 4. Did the narrator enjoy talking about ecology?

Ans. Yes, the narrator enjoyed talking about ecology.



Q. 1. 'Nobody's willing to do anything about ecology'. Do you agree with the statement ?

Ans. Yes, I agree with this statement that nobody is willing to do anything about ecology. Preservation of ecology is a inatter of great concern for all. Each and everyone should be conscious about it. It is the need of time. But it is a matter of sorrow that nobody is paying heed to this problem. Slogans are raised. Seminars are organised. But the result is not catisfactory.


Q. 2. "But anyhow, on Saturday when I collect, I put in a good word on ecology." This is the narrator's way of preserving ecology. How are you contributing to ecological preservation in your surroundings?

Ans. As a member of Eco-Club in my school, I realise the importance of the preservation of ecology. In the school premises my school friends and I have planted a number of plants. Most of them have grown bigger. I never burn the leaves and other garbage. I collect them and make a compost of all these. I make the people aware of the bad effects of the use of plastic bags and polythene packets. I myself avoid their use. I write slogans on the walls to make people aware. The members of the school Eco- Club visit the neighbouring villages under the leadership of our teacher. We meet the villagers and make them aware of the need for ecological preservation otherwise this may lead to a state of planetary emergency.


Q. 3. 'I get tired of trying to get Ms. Greene to do something about ecology.' Explain in detail the meetirg between Jim and Ms. Greene and throw light on the outcome of the meeting.

Ans. Jim went to see Ms Greene and noticed that she was putting her garbage out for the weekly pickup. She asked him to pick up the gum wrapper which he (Jim) had thrown on her lawn. She asked him if somebody had not taught him not to litter.

              She told Jim that there was a law about keeping dogs on a leash. She wanted to know from Jim as to why his dog moved here and there like a street dog. She complained that the dog dug up her garden and messed up her yard. Mr Williams had seen it tore open one of her garbage bags last weekend.

              Jim advised Ms Greene to save papers so that they could be made into newspapers. He asked her to save aluminium cans too. Ms Greene complained that he (Jim) had given a word to come and pick up but he never showed up. She told him that it was easier to throw them away at a time than have a mess like that.

               The outcome of the conversation between Jim and Ms Greene is disappointing. Jim wanted to make her realise the importance of ecological preservation. But Mrs Greene pays no heed to his suggestions. Instead of taking notice of Jim, she beats about the bush.


Q. 4. 'Sure it is hard to get people to work for ecology.' Do you agree with this statement? What is ecology? What measures have you and your school taken to preserve it ?

Ans. Yes, I agree with this statement that it is surely hard to get people to work for ecology.

          Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations between organisms and their environment. It is a branch of socialism also which is concerned with the spacing of people and institutions and the resulting interdependency.

           I am interested in preserving environment. I never try to do anything which causes harm to environment. I always try to minimise the use of polythene bags. I have planted many plants. I try to make the members of my family and others aware of its importance.

              In my school, students are taught how to preserve ecology. Sometimes seminars are organised on this issue. Students are encouraged to do plantation. They are taught not to do anything which disturbs the relationship between different species in the environment.


Q. 5. "Women use too many electric things." What prompts the narrator to say so? How does the use of modern appliances affect ecology ?

Ans. Really, women use too many electrical appliances. From kitchen to their bed room, they have many electrica' items. They use mixer, grinder, toaster, blenders, microwave oven, electric chimneys, freeze etc.

             The narrator says so as he finds all these in use in his house and in the society. The use of so many electrical appliances 0 consume more electricity. In the eyes of the narrator, this is the misuse of power. To him women can easily do their work without the use of all these electric items. So he says so.

              Some of the modern appliances affect ecology. For example, the gas used in freezes and A.C.s is harmful for ecology. It pollutes air. It causes harm to ozone layer also. Thus from ecological point of view, the use of all these modern appliances should not be encouraged.


Q. 6. Do you think that Jim is a real ecology friendly boy? Give your own opinion. [Bihar Board, 2011 (S))

Ans. It is a fact that Jim is an ecology friendly boy. In order to preserve ecology, he advises William not to burn leaves as they release smoke. It pollutes air. He suggests him to make a compost pile of the leaves, garbage and stuff. He makes others aware of the importance of ecology. He himself admits that he does something. He goes around telling people what they should do to preserve ecology. He discourages the use of so many electrical appliances. To him their maximum use is not good for ecology.

         All these intances (उदाहरण) prove that Jim is an ecology friendly boy. But he too keeps his TV set on most of the time day and night. This shows that he also misuses power. This is not a sign of real ecology friendly boy.


Q. 7. Does Jim understand why his advice is being questioned? Explain.

          Ans. No, Jim does not understand why his advice is being questioned. He goes around advising (सलाह देना) people to preserve ecology. Every time he is questioned of his own practices against ecology prescrvation. And every time he has to reinain (बने रहना) silent (खामोश). He feels hard to make people convince (सहमत/राजी करना) regarding ecology preservation, as all the time he has to bear (सहन करना) a lot of back talk from people regarding his own mistakes. He seems unable to give proper explanations for his actions against ecology. He never stops to think why people retort (पलटकर जवाब देना) to his advices. He never seems to be ready to commit (स्वीकार करना) his own mistakes. So, he never realizes his mistakes. Lastly, Jim fails to understand why his advice is being questioned.


Q. 8. What happened to the tree referred to by Mr. Johnson ?

Ans. Pointing to a clean space, Mr. Johnson said that there was not any tree there. He further added that he (the narrator) had made a shortcut path through that. When it was a small plant, he had killed it by trying to jump over it every day. In the process, the plant was crushed (कुचला जाना) and thus got killed.


Q. 9. Is Jim aware of all of the aspects? Does he always practise ecology measures ? Give arguments in favour of your answer.

Ans. No, Jim is not aware of all aspects. As to making a compost, Mr. Williams has to advise him to put enough dirt on top of each layer so that it may not cause air pollution. In the matter of collecting garbage, Ms Greene asks Jim if somebody had not taught him not to litter. Jim wants to do something for preserving ecology. But he does not practise ecology measures himself.

        In the matter of school pickup, he failed to be a regular. That is why Ms Greene accuses him saying that he never kept his promise. Even in case of the tree, Johnson blamed on him for having made a shortcut path through that. According to him, it was Jim who killed a plant of tree by jumping over it everyday.

            Besides all these, he drives his motorbike round and round his backyard all summer. He uses snowmobile all through the winter. It is not only wastage of power but spreading of pollution also. He keeps his TV set on for whole day and whole night. Is it not the misuse of power ? All these things prove that he fails F to practise ecology measures always. He only preaches about ecology preservation but never practises it himself.


Q. 10. A hero or heroine does not always arrive on a galloping horse to save the day. Sometimes the hero or heroine merely demonstrates potential for action, rather than a completed task. What potential does Jim have as the hero in this story ?

Ans. It is true that a hero or heroine does not always arrive on a galloping horse to save the day. He or she arouses people for a big task than to complete himself. The real hero is he who demonstrates such a potential which is a source of inspiration for others.

              Jim, the hero of this story, is fully equipped with this speciality. Preservation of ecology is a matter of great concern for him. He goes around talking people what they should do to preserve ecology. He wants to bring a consciousness among people about its preservation. For this, he goes to Williams' house. He advises him not to burn leaves which emit huge smoke. It harms ecology. He advises to make compost from garbage. He suggests Ms Greene for saving paper and aluminium cans for recycling. Similarly, the advice given to Johnson also creates a tendency of saving gas by forming the habit of walking. He is not in favour of the use of so many electrical appliances which affect ecology. His advice and remarks pertaining to this also make people aware of ecological preservation. Though. Jim himself does not always practise ecological measures, he discharges a great duty in this regard by suggesting suitable actions for the common people, for a big cause.


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