I have a dream ncert solutions class 12 BSEB English


I have a dream ncert solutions class 12 BSEB English 

I have a dream ncert solutions class 12 BSEB English image

    • A. 6ork in small groups and discuss the following:

    1. Evils of caste system

    Ans. Caste system, particularly in India, has been prevalent since long. But it is a black spot on the part of the country. It divides the country in small groups. It causes hatred for other castes. This hatred is the root of caste struggle. We find injustice and favouritism at different stages. It corrupts the whole system. It brings anarchy in the society as well as in the country. It hampers the progress. As a result the country becomes weak. In short, caste system must be condemned and banned.


    2. Bihar of your dream

    Ans. Bihar is the place where a number of great persons took birth. It is the place of Lord Buddha from whom Buddhism spread in the whole world. Mahavir was also born here. The great historical personalities like Ashoka the great, Chanakya, Chandragupta also hailed from Bihar. Democracy for the first time was established in Bihar. Thus Bihar has a glorious past.

                Today we have lost our ancient glory. I want to restore it. I want that Bihar should lead the whole of India. It should be an enlightened state. It should achieve the rank of the best State in the country.


    B. 1. Ans. (a) T, (b) T, (c) T, (d) F, (e) F, (f) F, (g) F, (h) T.


    • B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :

    . 1. What is the author trying to achieve through his speech ?

    Ans. Through his speech the author wants to achieve the support of the listeners in the freedom struggle for Negroes. He wants to draw the attention of the listeners towards the sad and pitiable conditions of the Negroes.


    Q. 2. Do you think Martin Luther is a great orator ? What, according to you, are qualities of a great orator? What does Martin Luther urge his people to do?

    Ans. Yes, I think that Martin Luther is a great orator. To me, a great orator is he who creates and holds up the excitement in the heart of the listeners. He influences their mind. He must have the quality to corelate the listeners with the topic. In his speech Martin Luther urged the people to join the freedom movement of the Negroes and fight for their rights and justice.


    Q. 3. What is their pledge ?

    Ans. Their pledge is to march ahead and never to tum back. They are not satisfied until they get their rights. Their march for freedom and justice will continue until the goal is achieved.


    Q. 4. What are the 'trials and tribulations' the author talks about?

    Ans. By the phrase 'trials and tribulations', the author talks of those difficulties, pain and sufferings the people face when they raise their voice against injustice and discrimination.


    • B. 3. Answer the following questions briefly:

    Q. 1. 'This is our hope' (Paragraph 19). What is the hope?

    Ans. The hope is the dream that every valley should be exalted. Every mountain and hill should be low. The rough and the crooked places should be made plain and straight respectively. And the glory of God will be displayed to all and all the men big or low, the rich or the poor will see it together. The hope is the dream which the author sees. He expects that it must come true one day.


    Q. 2. If America is to be a great nation what must become true ?

    Ans. If America is to be a great nation, it mustn't overlook the problems of Negroes. They should be granted their rights as citizens. The practice of racial discrimination must be eradicated. The nation should work for the welfare of the Negroes who are the natives of America.


    Q. 3. Why and when will they thank the Almighty?

    Ans. They will thank the Almighty when freedom will dawn in every village, city and in the state. When the black and the white, the Jews and the Gentiles, the Protestants and the Catholics will join their hands and will sing the song of equality, brotherhood and liberty, they will thank the Almighty.


    • C. 1. Long Answer Type Questions :

    Q. 1. 'The life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination'. Elaborate.

    Ans. It is quite clear that the life of the Negroes is still like that of a disabled person. They have been shackled with the handcuffs of separation on the basis of race. This intense feeling of racialism has set them aside. They are treated quite inferior to the white. They have not been given their proper rights as a citizen. Not only this, they are tormented too. In this situation, they feel themselves as the disabled. They are not allowed to think of their welfare. This sense of discrimination is shown everywhere. It shows that they are fettered in the chains of racialism. One can easily imagine their sad plight that they have no right to vote even. They are not allowed to visit public places as if they were not human beings. In short, they are sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.


    Q. 2. What would be fatal for the nation? Why? Explain.

    Ans. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the serious and urgent call of the moment. It would be fatal for the nation to underestimate the determination of the Negro. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. If they are not granted their legitimate rights as citizenship, they will start a revolt for their right and justice. The intensity of this revolt will shake the foundation of the nation. This will continue until the bright day of justice emerges. It is sure that if the nation doesn't understand its seriousness and fails to do something for them, it will take a furious form. And a time will come when it will prove fatal and injurious for the nation.


    Q. 3. What was the 'dream'? How many times 'I have a dream' appears in the lesson. Discuss the importance of this repetition.

    Ans. The 'dream' is how and when the racial discrimination would come to an end. Even the sons and daughters of slaves and their owners will share the same table of equality and fraternity. They will never have to suffer from the racial discrimination. Albama has black and white children together in hands.

              'I have a dream' has been repeated at least nine times in this lesson. The repetition of this sentence shows its importance. The author wants to draw the attention of people towards the seriousness of this dream. It is the dream for which one has to fight and revolt against the discrimination. The author wants to see the dream come true. In short, this repetition signifies the importance and seriousness of the dream for freedom.


    Q. 4. What is the pledge? When will it be fulfilled ?

    Ans. The pledge is to always go ahead on the path of freedom with chest puffed and never to turn back. This pledge will be fulfilled only when the Negroes get their rights. They get justice and are not discriminated and separated from the rest of the society only on the name of racialism. It will be fulfilled when every kind of atrocity, tormentation and discrimination against them will be stopped. It will be fulfilled only when Negroes are free from all chains of slavery and exploitation and are given their proper rights of bonafide citizens.


    Q. 5. Do you have a dream for your state? Narrate your dream in your own words.

    Ans. Yes, I have a dream for my state. My state is full of wealth and prosperity. Here all the people are literate and every child goes to school and streets are clean. Stray animals don't roam at the roads. Every town and city is green. Everybody obeys the civil rules. All follow the traffic rules. There is no discrimination on the basis of class, colour, caste and creed. All the public servants discharge their duties properly. None of the officials are corrupt. Every citizen has the right to vote. All get proper clothing and food. Justice, non-violence, truth and sense of equality pervades everywhere here.



    1. Racial discrimination.

    Ans. Racial discrimination is a black spot on the face of the society. It is quite inhuman to make differences between man and man on the basis of caste, colour and creed. But this inhuman practice is in vogue in the world since long. A vast majority of the population has been suffering in the name of racial discrimination. As a result of this they have been deprived of their fundamental rights.

              Now the time has changed. With the spread of education, new awakening has taken place. People have recognised their rights. They have stood up with every might to fight for their rights. Social reformers have come to their support. Many political parties have raised their voices. Their words have marked many revolutions. As a result of their continuous struggle, they have been granted most of their rights. In most of the countries, racial discrimination has been made illegal. Still it continues in some parts of the world. It deserves more struggle to be uprooted completely.


    2. Rights of a female child.

    Ans. There was a time when women were treated as slaves. So the female child was deprived of every human right. They were denied freedom. They were not given proper schooling like male child. Time changed. Women are no more slaves today. They have struggled hard and are comparatively in a better position today. They have occupied many valuable posts both in government and private sectors. There are a number of ladies who are ministers, Prime Ministers and even the President in many parts of the world. Mrs Indira Gandhi, Smt. Pratibha Singh Patil, Benazir Bhutto, Khalida Zia, Sheikh Hassina are such names to be quoted.

                 In spite of all these, women in general have failed to get their due position. Even today very few people feel happy at the birth of a female child. The practice of foeticide of a female child is common. It is nothing but a curse on humanity. We must bring changes in our thought. We should always remember that women are indispensable for men. No one can think of better society and safer existence of human beings without women. So a female child ought to be given proper care. They should be given proper nourishment and schooling. They should get proper health care. Only then can they prove better partner of men in every walk of life.



    Write a paragraph of about 100 words on each of the following:


    1. Human Rights-Rights are the basic needs of human life. They make our life worth living. It removes discrimination and makes all equal. It brings peace and harmony. It removes discontentment. In our country human rights have been granted to all without any consideration of caste, colour and creed. There are courts to see whether it is implemented properly.

                   If anybody is deprived of his human right, he must raise his voice. One must raise voice against any kind of exploitation. Only then will it be meaningful.


    2. Secularism-Secularism means that no religion is state religion. Our constitution has given equal status to every religion. The state will give no priority to any particular religion. All the citizens are free to have their own religious faith. They have no pressure from the state. No one can be discriminated on the basis of religion and his religious faith. This is secularism. This principle of the state promotes peace, harmony, equality and fraternity in the society. It strengthens the unity of the country also.


      i have a dream ncert solutions class 12 BSEB English Bihar board exam by Rahul Kumar in bihar board zone.  

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