Bharat is my home question answer in english


Bharat is my home question answer in english


bharat is my home question answer in english of Bihar board class 12th English subjective question answer by Rahul Kumar in bihar board zone

    A. Work in small groups and discuss the following:

    Q. 1. Charity begins at home.

    Ans. Charity does not come from outside. It comes first from within and from family. In a family one helps and co-operates with others without any consideration of rank and status. The children notice this and imbibe this quality. They too start doing the same. Secondly, they notice that their family-members help their neighbours. They also cooperate when time comes. The first sense of charity starts from here. In course of time this sense of co-operation develops. Thus it is clear that it is at home from where charity begins.


    Q. 2. The entire world is a family.

    Ans. It is true that charity begins at home. But the sense of co-operation develops. It develops from stage-to-stage. In the beginning a man thinks of his own family. Then he starts thinking about his neighbours, society, village and finally, for the human being at large. History is full of such examples when men have sacrificed everything for the nation and the mankind. The time comes when he thinks the whole world as his own family.


    Q. 3. Individuals and family are interdependent.

    Ans. An individual is a unit of the family. Group of individuals make a family. A family cannot be imagined without man. Similarly, an individual cannot be imagined without a family. In short, both are interdependent. How can a man fulfil his needs without a family? How can he get education? In short, an individual alone cannot do anything. On the other hand, an individual as a member of the family does his best for the family Thus both are interdependent.


    B. 1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson:

    (a) Dr Radhakrishnan never lost his faith in........

    (b) Dr Radhakrishnan always championed........

    (c) Dr Zakir Husain entered the office of the President in a spirit of.......

    (d) According to Dr Zakir Husain, the value remains .......

    (e) According to Dr Zakir Husain, education is.......,.



    (a) the essential humanity of man.

    (b) the right of all men to live in dignity and with justice.

    (c) prayerful humility and total dedication.

    (d) eternally valid.

    (e) a prime instrument of national purpose.


    B. 1.2. Answer the following questions briefly:

    Q. 1. What did Dr Radhakrishnan bring to the Presidency ?

    Ans. Dr Radhakrishnan brought to the Presidency a menta equipment, a degree of learning and a wealth of experience rarely to be found anywhere.


    Q. 2. What oath did Dr Zakir Husain take of ?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain took the oath as President.


    Q. 3. What is the business of education ?

    Ans. The process of growth of national culture and national character is the business of education.


    Q. 4. What did Dr Zakir Husain pledge himself to ?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain had a deep respect for our past culture. He promised to show his loyalty to our country's culture in totality. His loyalty to the country was irrespective of religion or language. The whole Bharat was his home. So he took a vow to work for the good of the country as a whole.


    Q. 5. What does 'work on one's self' mean? What is its end-product?

    Ans. 'Work on one's self' means work for individual. The work on one's self is to follow the urge towards moral development as a free person and under self-imposed discipline. Thus its end-product is a free moral personality.


    Q. 6. What shall we dedicate ourselves to ?

    Ans. We shall dedicate ourselves to work for the peace of the strong nation. After Gandhiji power should be used only for moral purposes.


    Q. 7. When was Dr Zakir Husain born?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain was born in 1897.


    Q. 8. How long did Dr Zakir Husain live ?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain lived for 72 years. He was born in 1897 and died in 1969.


    Q. 9. On what occasion did Dr Zakir Husain deliver this Speech ?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain delivered this speech in 1967 after taking oath as the President of India.


    Q. 10. Why does Dr Zakir Husain call India "the young State of an ancient people"?

    Ans. According to Dr. Zakir Husain, our past is not dead and static. It is alive and dynamic. He believed that our ancient culture is alive. We can make our future on the basis of ancient people's blessings. So he calls India 'the young state of an ancient people'.


    C. 1. Long Answer Type Questions:

    Q. 1. 'This work, as I see it, has two aspects.' What are the 'two aspects of works'? Explain in your own words.

    Ans. The two aspects of works are the following:

              (i) individual work, (ii) social work.

               According to the author individual works means work on one's self. This type of work follows the urge which tends towards moral development as a free person and under self- imposed discipline. Its end-product is moral personality. On the other hand, social work is meant for the society. It is true that an individual can never get perfection without the help of society. So keeping its importance in view, everyone should labour hard in the field of both aspects of works.


    Q. 2. What did Dr Zakir Husain say about material and cultural life, individual and social development, giving a special flavour to India?

    Ans. In his speech, Dr Zakir Husain threw light on material cultural, individual and social life in India.

                The author says that one should do more and more for the upliftment of material life. He advises that our efforts should be silent, sincere, solid and steady.

                The author further says that culture is alive and dynamic. Our past culture is inherited by our ancient sages right from Adipurush Manu to St. Tulsidas. It is alive even today and is in progress also.

                 According to Dr Zakir Husain both individual and social development of our country are co-related to each other. One works for personal benefit and brings both financial and moral richness. But for this an individual must go to the society. One must not forget that one cannot achieve all these without the help of society.


    Q. 3. 'Power should be used only for moral purposes.' Explain.

    Ans. Power plays a vital role. It is dominant in our society. It may be used for both construction and destruction. It depends on its users. There are three main kinds of power-power of man, power of society and power of state. According to Gandhiji, power should be used only for moral purposes. Talking about state power, the author says that State is not only an organisation of power but a moral organisation. So moral purpose of human being is essentially meant for the development of society.


    Q. 4. 'The past is not dead and static'. How does Zakir Husain emphasise the significance of past ?

    Ans. According to Dr Zakir Husain, our past history has a great significance in our life. He thinks that we must show our loyalty and respect to our past culture. It is not necessary to think from where our past culture came and who brought it. The important thing is that our past glory is of great importance. Our past glory and culture is the base on which the growth of our national culture and national character depends. So the writer is right in saying that our past history is not dead and static. It is still alive and dynamic. Thus it is clear that our prospect of future depends on the importance of past.


    Q. 5. What does Zakir Husain exhort us to do to build the new life of the nation ?

    Ans. In his speech Dr Zakir Husain advises us to labour hard to build a new life of the nation. According to him, our family of the nation is big. We have to build a new and prosperous life. Though we are growing fast, we have to try hard. It is not good on the part of an Indian to sit idle. It is sure that this task is hard but we should not be discouraged. The situation of the country demands more and more work and sincerity. Our work should be silent, solid and steady for reconstructing the whole of material and cultural life of our people.


    Q. 6. In what context does Dr Zakir Husain say "Bharat is my home"?

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain, in his presidential speech, expressed his feelings for the nation. He loves his nation much. He says that he is greatly devoted to the loyalty of our past culture. He gives a word of advice to work for the development of our ancient culture. He wants to work in order to make the nation stronger and prosperous. His service to the nation will be irrespective of caste, colour and creed. He declares it with pride. "The whole of Bharat is my home and its people are my family." Really, he is proud of being a true citizen of Bharat. He accepts that it is the greatness of the people of India that they have chosen him as the head of this family. He is determined to make his home Bharat strong and beautiful. He would try to make the life of the people prosperous and graceful. His deep love and strong feeling of nationality is enough to make Zakir Husain a great nationalist.



    Discuss the following in groups or pairs:

    1. Living in a big family has more merits than demerits.

    Ans. There were big families in India. Wife, husband and their children and the elder members lived together. But that image of joint family has been broken. The new generation does not prefer that. All want to live alone. But they forget that living in a big family has more merits than demerits. The individual has to share his income with other members of the family. He is not free to do what he wants. But during the bad days he gets no one to support him. In the case of an accident or in serious diseases, he gets no one to look after him. An individual has to do everything by himself. Children in single family fail to get due love and affection. In short, living in a big family has more merits than demerits.


    2. Quality of education shapes the quality of nation.

    Ans. A nation does not live by its big factories, dams or buildings. It can live only by the character of its people. In other words, a nation is known by the people who live in. It is education which builds up their character. It is education which makes them good citizens. For this a good quality of education is needed. Only good quality of education can produce quality product. Lessons of self-help, self-reliance and self sacrifice, sense of co-operation, duty to society and to the nation and service to mankind can be taught only in quality education Only quality education can provide all round development which is essential. If a nation fails to provide quality education to its citizens, it cannot be called a good nation. So it is right to say tha quality of education shapes the quality of nation.


    3. It is neither scientific progress nor material prosperit but its people with strong character that make a nation grea and strong.

    Ans. It is said that the scientific achievements and economic prosperity make the nation great. But the reality is something different. It is the strong character of the people tha makes a nation great. If the people do not have strong character even a prosperous country will perish. People of strong characte lead the nation to the path of development. In history there an many examples. Take the example of Japan which got freedom just next to India. This country has made tremendous progress only because of its citizens having strong character, while we art lacking far behind.



    Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of thi following:

    (a) Write a summary of Dr Zakir Husain's speech in about 150 words.

    Ans. Dr Zakir Husain, first of all thanked the people for the trust they had shown or placed in him by electing him to the highest office in the country. Dr Radhakrishnan brought to the President a mental equipment, a degree of erudition and wealth of experience rarely to be found anywhere. He assured that he entered this office in a spirit of prayerful humility and total dedication. He took an oath of loyalty to the Constitution of India. He urged that education is the prime instrument of national purpose and added that, the quality of education is essential for the quality of the nation. He promises to show his loyalty to the country. He wants to serve the nation without distinction of caste, creed and colour. He takes the whole of Bharat as his home. The situation demands us of work and more work but silent and sincere. According to him, work has two aspects: work on one's self and work for the society. Both are mutually fruitful. This dual effort will give to the life of our state a special flavour. Talking of power, he is of the view that it must be used for moral purposes.


    (b) Write a short essay in about 150 words on 'Unity in diversity'.

    Ans. 'Unity in diversity' is a saying that holds good in case of India. India is the biggest democratic republic of the world. fis geographical territory is vast. People of different castes, creeds and colours live here. People in north India speak Hindi while Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malyalam are spoken in south. A good number of Indians believe in Hindu religion, while others are Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Christians.

             The Hindus worship their gods and goddesses in temples. The Moslims offer their names in the mosques and the Nikh present Sabad Kirtan in their gurudwaras. Their festivals and rituals are also different. Their culture and old traditions als vary. ht spite of all these differences, the Indians are one. W have the feeling of oneness. We forget our differences an become one in the nick of time. There are so many examples our unity or oneness. The Britishers were amazed at our unic during the freedom movement. Take the case of China aggression or wars against Pakistan, we showed our unity. At the time natural calamity every Indian comes to help his neighbours countrymen. At the time of any danger, we forget our difference and try to stand by each other. It is a fact that some destructiv forces tried its best to break this unity. Some of us wen misguided too. But soon we realised the fact and denied them Now every Indian has become aware of those evil forces, W have realised the importance of national unity. We understan well the value of our national integration. In short, it has com true that unity lies in diversity in India.


    (c) Write a speech to be delivered on Teachers' Da justifying the celebration of Radhakrishnan's birthday Teachers' Day.

    Ans. Teachers are the trustees of common welfare. They the true benefactors of society. History is full of such example which clearly show that many vital decisions were taken on th directions of the teachers. Such is the importance of a teache Dr Radhakrishnan, a great philosopher, was one of such teacher He got his education in different reputed institutions. Af completing his education in 1918, he joined the Provincial Education Service. As Professor, he was very popular among his students. He visited to foreign universities to deliver lectures. His lectures on world religions are memorable. He was regarded as a leading Professor of the world. He was not only a thinker but a great writer too. He rose to the highest post in the country i.e.. the President of India. Keeping all these in view, we celebrate his date of birth as Teachers' Day every year. On this day we remember that great son of India, a bonafide teacher. This celebration fills us with new light and awakening. This celebration serves as a great inspiration for teachers. Teachers must realise their duties towards their pupils and to the nation at large. From these points of view, the celebration of Dr Radhakrishnan's birthday as Teachers' Day is fully justified.


    (d) You have been elected as the President of your School's Student Council. Make a diary entry about changes you propose to introduce for the betterment of your school.

    Ans. As President of our School's Student Council, I would like to propose the following changes for the betterment of our school.

    1.  Efforts should be taken for developing the students mentally, morally and physically.
    2. Character is of much importance in man's life. So character-building steps should be taken.
    3.  Efforts will be made to provide them free medical-facilities.
    4. Library will be enriched.
    5. Games and sports will be made compulsory.

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